Sunday, January 24, 2021

Make Animations with PawToon!

PowToon is web-based animation software that allows you to quickly and easily create animated presentations.It allows you to create an animation using speech bubbles, shapes, images, characters, and more. Although it may seem complicated to use at first, it becomes simpler with use. 

Anyone can sign up for free with an email address; teachers can buy a classroom account for up to 90 students, which gives them access to additional templates, features, and export options.In educational process, some times teachers may have hard times to find creative tools to present. Powtoon is a great opportunity for those times.With Powtoon, users can uploading it to YouTube, also sharing it with others and these all are completely free!

Create Your Own Video with Animoto!

With Animation you can prepare fun video clips by using ready-made templates and effects saved in the system or by adding your own files. Animoto has both paid and free options, you can choose whichever suits you the best.You do not need to install any programs on our computer to use Animoto. Animoto is a web tool that works online.

So, if you have an internet connection in your classroom, you can display your animations directly from the Animoto system, or you can present them by getting or downloading the link link. It has a easiy use,that means it gets a plus point from me.Both students and teachers can make a lasting impression with memorable videos for every moment.

Become More Entertaining with Prezi!

Prezi is a presentation tool that can be used as an alternative to traditional slide making programs such as PowerPoint. Instead of slides,you can present ideas on a virtual campus.Prezi supports the use of text, images, and videos and also provides a collection of templates to choose from to help new users get accustomed to the interface.

Prezi also has the zooming user interface which is why you can zoom into certain things on templates.IToffers educational licenses for students and teachers. This allows students and teachers to create private presentations that cannot be access by the public.If you bored with basic designs Prezi is just for you! Teachers can create presentations that can engage students' interest.And with Prezi students can prepare presentations that are unusual.

Monday, January 11, 2021


 Vodcast is actually defined as the video content of podcasts.With vodcast,you can convey certain topics to people,entertain them and encourage them to think.While you are preparing a vodcast,you need to make sure that the content you produce is interesting and enjoyable to people.As well as content, production is also an important point.

Also,you should have your own style while doing vodcast.You shouldn't be emulating others.You should try to be you.Then,people will see the sincerity in you.I make a vodcast by using Canva.You can check it out with the link I put down below!



The dictionary meaning of podcast is ‘’It is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.’’ In these days,it has a variety of usage.It’s up to subject of the podcast.It can be about an educational subject or a disease.Everyone can make their own podcast even with their smartphones.In my view,it is a great opportunity to everyone who wants to share their knowledge with others. With listening podcasts that made with foreign languages,language learners can improve themselves just listening to them.Learners can listen a podcast while driving or even cooking.I think podcast is something that all language learners should benefit from! I also put my podcast’s link down below.You can go and check it out!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Be Creative with Padlet!

Padlet is a digital board where you can add images,videos and articles and many virtual materials you want to keep..It can be customized as you wish.You can arrange it from the settings icon.You can change the elements of the board.

Such as;title,description,background,icon,text,style,theme,tags,comments and link.And beside other users teachers can share the dashboards they have created with their students so that information can be spread.Padlet offers stuents the opportunity to work simultaneously and jointly.When teacher create a board and determines a topic on it,students can create a common product with the link that their teacher give them.

Padlet is a very easy tool to use.And for me this is a very important feature in a web tool.Because when a web tool too complicated to use I immediately give up and I don't even try to use it.And I think this is same for almost all people.For language learning,language teachers can use padlet for many ways.They can create a board and group some certain words on it.Then they can ask students to write sentences for each of them.Or teachers can use Padlet for grammar teaching and brainstorming.As a language teacher candidate I can say that I am  sure that I am going to use Padlet in my classes.

Enjoy Virtual Reality with ImmersMe!

Virtual Reality(VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment.Unlike traditional user interfaces,VR places the user inside an experience.Instead of viewing a screen in front them,users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds.

Users become part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there.They are able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.Users can even simulate as many senses as possible.Such as;vision, hearing,touch and surprisingly smell.Virtual Reality can be used in lots of areas in life. Like;architecture,sport,medicine,arts,entertainment and education.


And today,I am going to share a Virtual Reality web tool named ImmersMe.It is a very efficient tool for language learning.ImmersMe offers a learning package of 9 different languages.
In addition to German,English,French,Spanish,Chinese there are Greek,Italian and Japanese.Basically ImmersMe gives users an opportunity to experience the target language in virtual life.There are 3000 scenarios available that users can try.Moreover,there are 4 types of lesson.Those include Prononciation,Dictation,Translation and Immersion.Students can choose one of them and start learning.Studetns asked to choose the language and the level of it.It can be beginner,advanced or intermediate.After that they are faced with a series of learning scenarios of that particular foreign language.

The scenarios can be buying breads from a bakery,shopping in the mall or having a conversation with a friend.While doing these activities you can use your voice to reply.Honestly,I love ImmersMe.It  has quite good features.It's perfect that you can interact with real people.Most of the people don't have a chance to experience the language they want to learn.Yet,with ImmersMe they can achieve this.I think the most significant quality of ImmersMe is that it offers real life scenarios.It makes you feel like you are really there and living that moment.It also corrects when you mispronounce the word.All I can say that I reall loved ImmersMe and I recommend it to everyone who wants to learn a language or improve it!

Augmented Reality with Aurasma!

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that lets people superimpose digital content like images, sounds, text or other sensory information onto the world in order to enhance one’s experience.Shortly,Augmented reality adds to the existing world as it is and lets people to continue interacting with the physical world around them.

What can people who want to use Augmented Reality?.

The most commonly used AR applications these days rely on smartphones.There are too many AR applications.When users dowland an app then activate a smartphone’s camera, they can view the world around them on the screen.After that,they can start to superimposing images,adding real-time directions,inserting labels,changing colors.AR can be used in gaming industry, marketing, entertainment,training and education.

I can reccomend you an AR web tool for education.The name of the it is Aurasma. 

Thanks to Aurasma, it is possible to increase the reality by embedding videos into photos and to turn the photos into enriched learning materials. With these materials,teachers can teach their students more efficiently and provide very effective information outside of the lesson.Teachers can use ready-made interactive materials or if they want to create special materials they are able to do that,too.For language education,teachers can increase their students' interest in grammar and vocbulary learning by creating animated and interactive boards.In addition,by creating dialogues with cartoons or pictures teacher can help their students’ to develop their imagination at the same time they can continue their language education.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Have Your Own World with Second Life!

When you first look at the Second Life you may think it is a game.But it is not. There are no quests, there is no leveling up or unlocking of achievements, that sort of thing. It is an online virtual world.It was launched on June 23, 2003.In Second Life users called residents.They can create virtual representations of themselves, called avatars.They are able to interact with places, objects and other residents.They can meet other residents and socialize.They can build, create, shop, and trade.

There are things I like and dislike about Second Life.Let me tell you about them.I find it very hard to use.For me,it has a very complicated interface.I had very hard times while searching what I wanted.On the other hand,I like that users can meet other users.And it has really interesting avatar ideas.So,I created my own avatar.There is a photo of it down below.

Make Lessons More Fun with Flipgrid!

Essentially Flipgrid is a popular video discussion platform.It makes assigning homework easier for teachers and doing homework enjoyable for students.It helps the student to find their voices, share their voices and respect the various voices of others. Flipgrid has ‘’topics’’ section, which teachers can use to start and stimulate discussions. In return, the Students can answer the topics. This answer can also be in the form of a video. This video can be recorded as many times as needed before uploading.And students can design it as they wish.They can add emoji, text, stickers and drawings. The service works online so it can be accessed via web browser from nearly any device or using the app.

The cod:hi1425

Friday, January 1, 2021

Create Comics with Pixton!


Pixton is a website that allows users  to create their own comics.In Pixton,there are various comic book layouts, numerous character,background and a host of creative options.With Pixton you can describe subtle emotions with customizable characters,In Pixton you can create your own avatar.You can choose anything you want.I think this is  very significant.Because I feel like the more I am free while using an application or website the more I become creative.I made an avatar using Pixton.And I enjoy it very much.I put it down below so you can check it out!

What can teachers and students do with Pixton?

  • Because it is student-centered tool it enables them to create their own knowledge and allow it to display it in a meaningful way for them.
  • Teachers can use it to teach a foreign language
  • Student can use it to develop their grammar skills.
  • Teachers can create dialogues and have students answer questions based on dialogues.

Improve Your Imagination with Canva!


Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, and other visual content.It can be used on the web and mobile. With Canva, you can improve your imagination so you can achieve excellent results. Canva has a large library. Some images are free, some are paid.It offers various content with its simple use. You can even upload your own photos and add them to Canva's templates using a drag and drop interface. Personally, I really loved Canva.So far, it has been one of my favourite.


Benefits of Canva:

  • Pre-sized social media templates.
  • Designer type templates get your graphics started.
  • Lots of size and shape options.
  • Search for stock images and pay a small fee to use – or use the free stuff.
  • Save your images to edit or download later.
  • Easy to make multiple, similar graphics from a template.



VoicThread is a collaborative,multimedia slide show that holds images,documents and videos.It allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in different  ways.These are not live.They take place whenever and wherever it’s suitable forpeople to attend.Users can use voice,text,audio file,video or share a VoiceThread link with teachers,students,friends and colleagues for them to express their  opinions.Also,it has over 50 different types of media. With VoiceThread  especially students can develop their speaking skills.Furthermore,VoiceThread is an opportunity to evolve themselves about presentation.When there is not  enough time for each student to present in a face-to face lesson , students can use it to complete their presentations.For me,the most useful feature about  VoiceThread is that it is a cloud application so th ere is no software to install.  I definitely recommend using VoiceThread!

Discover Your Author Side with Storybird!


Storybird is one of the world’s largest storytelling communities. It is a publishingplatform for visual storytelling. Teachers sometimes have trouble finding activities related to writing.Storybird can be very helpful for that problem.It is a really  good opportunity for teachers to make their students love writing.It  has illustrations to inspire students to write stories, and it also has writing challenges and more.With Storybird students can write stories,poems and they  can even  write their own book in Storybird.Students can be a writer with just one click!Also,teachers can become members and add their students to their classes which they created themselves. They can give assignments about  writing.Teachers can see their students’ works and they can share their ideas about them. One ofthe great things about Storybird is that  teachers can create a library for Their students.I am sure that Storybird can make students to love reading and writing.I shared a comic that I made in Storybird.You can check it out!

7 Weeks in My Open and Distance Learning Course

 Hello! In this post I will be talking about the assignments I did for my open and distance learning course. Let's take a look at them! ...