Monday, December 28, 2020

Have Your Own Avatar with Voki!


With Voki, you can create an avatar you want or edit an existing avatar and make it speak in different languages.Voki has 25 different language properties. It consists of 3 different sections: Voki, Voki Classroom and Voki Presenter.Each and every one has its own qualities that are very useful.To mention briefly,you can be used Voki while working individually. Voki Classroom can be used in classroom activities.Instructors can create classes and add students.Then they can follow the voices made by their students and follow the progress. Instructors can also give homework to students. Voki Presenter is not much different from Standard Voki in terms of feature variety. Adding audio and presentations is unlimited.However Voki Classroom and Voki Presenter are charged after a 15-day trial period. The avatar created with Voki can be used to recall an important event in history or to summarize a story read, ask or answer a relevant question. It can create more efficient and permanent learning environments by making subjects more fun for students. I created an avatar named Lady Duck.And I have to say that I had a really good time while creating it.I shared my avatar's picture and link with you down below.I definitely think that you should at least give a look at Voki.

The link:



Wordle is a picture that consists of words related to a certain subject in different dimensions.It can be used to help students or any individual to keep the terms or words that they want to remember they have learned better in mind.For example, students can picture the words they learned about health in English lessons by using Wordle.With this,they can always go back and look at that picture.So,using Wordle helps them to ensures the words they learn are permanent.Wordle is very eaisy to use. Users can visualize words into the shapes they want, with the colors and features they specify. The picture is all up to their wishes. In my opinion,Wordle can be very beneficial in language learning.Also,as an example,I shared a picture I made.Feel free to look!


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Create Posters with Glogster!


Basically Glogster is an online poster web page.In detail,it is a  platform for creating presentations and interactive learning.It  allows users to combine text, images, video, and audio to create an interactive, Web-based poster called glogs on a virtual canvas. In Glogster you can create about different fields such as art, music, photography,math,science,languages and much more. Users also have access to a library of engaging educational content posters created by other students and educators worldwide. Students and teachers can use Glogster easily. However, you can also register with personnel login. In this case, it will give you a 7-day trial.Then if you want to continue to using you need to pay monthly. When you first login to Glogster, you will be logged in to the panel associated with your account. There are shortcuts and useful links about glogster at the top of the panel. By clicking the link called Glogpedia, you can benefit from the information created in different fields. Since it has an simple interface, it can be used by every age group easily. While users especially students can learn while having fun and being creative.


 Pinterest is a visual weight social networking site. As we can understand from its name, you can create boards on Pinterest where you create images suitable for your interests. In order to use Pinterest,firstly you need to do a short membership process.Then,you can follow your friends or the people you like on the board. When you log in to the site, you can start creating your boards by searching for topics that will interest you with the search button above. You can share the images you like yourself from external sites or by uploading them to the site.Pinterest can be used for education purposes as well. Students can easily search for ideas in their topic area and gain inspiration from the resources and colorful images they find.For instance, there are many different kinds of science experiments,word lists for language learning, tactics for math and many more  that available.When students want to do a group project they can create a class Suffragist Board that everyone can contribute to, both for class work and for homework.With all of these features Pinterest can help students to develop problem-solving skills while gaining a sense of independence.They also can improve their creativity skills. 

 And of course, Pinterest has efficient qualities for educators,too.Educators can get fun ideas for student-led projects, look for ways to organize your classroom, collect ideas for virtual field trips, Look for grade-specific materials and most importantly they can find inspiration.So if you ask me I am going to use Pinterest in my personal and business life for sure!

Make Quizzes with Quizlet!

Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes.While using Quizlet, students log in and choose the appropriate study set for the concepts they need to review. These can be created by a teacher or generated by other users.It is a useful and effective feature that users can see all the shared activities. Because of the flexibility and customization available, Quizlet can be used in any grade level and any type of class.Quizlet has an  in-class game named Quizlet Live.Teachers can use it  to help students review information while working together in teams.The game randomly sorts students into teams to match terms and definitions, and the first team to correctly answer all of the questions wins! We all know that competition makes students more eager.So Quizlet is a wonderful opportunity for it!While students prepare for their exams instead of looking at notes, filling out worksheets, and creating paper flashcards, they can simply log into the quizlet and find all the necessary work.I made a flashcard with using Quizlet.I am going to put the link below.

The link:

Learn by Entertainment with Kahoot!


Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that can be used by both teachers and students. It allows students to learn and repeat with entertainment.Kahoot! offers more than 40 million games already created that anyone can access, making it quick and easy to get started.Teachers can create games and quizzes in every subject they want.While there is a timer-based quiz mode, teachers can also choose to turn that off. In that instance, it's possible to set more complex tasks that require research time.Teachers can also review results and run analytics from game reports and see their students' results and progress.While making quiz if teachers want to put pictures or links to questions they are able to do that just with one click..It is a very beneficial quality that makes teachers more free.Questions are projected on a shared screen, while players answer the questions with their smartphone, tablet, or computer.Kahoot also has Kahoot! Academy Verified Educators that can help teachers in their journey.I think everyone should give a chance to Kahoot!.I also made a quiz in Kahoot! about grammar and vocabulary.If you want to check it out there is a link down below.

The link:


 Blackboard is a customizable online learning tool that can replace or supplement traditional face-to-face classes for a school or any other classroom structure. Many conventional classroom functions have equivalents in Blackboard Learn, allowing students and teachers to emulate just about every physical classroom experience element. Blackboard is host to many virtual and digital learning tools, but all revolve around its core component: courses

Courses, which instructors can only start, are accessible through the "Home" section of a student's Blackboard account under "My Courses." Classes are supplemented by various tools, focusing on several critical areas of the classroom experience: content, interaction and discussion, and announcements and scheduling.Instructors can post content, including files, text, images, audio, and video, in their courses. That content can then be organized using learning modules, folders, or lesson plans.

Education is More Enjoyable with Socrative!

 Socrative is a tool where you can create tests on the internet and give students quick feedback by solving them with their smartphones or computers.Giving receiving feedback has a very big and significant role in education.And Socrative is a very good option for this.Socrative is an application that will be very useful for you to present an educational and entertaining activity right after the subject. Your students can start solving the questions by entering the test opened by the teacher after logging into the system by typing their names and even their nicknames if they wish.For students being allowed to choose their own nickname makes it easier for them to adjust to the new environment.

Teachers can do quizzes after lessons to evaluate students' knowledge.The content of these quizzes and how they are done is entirely up to teacher.Quizzes can be multiple choice,true\false or short answer questions.I put a quiz down below that I made.You can check it! The link:

Online Education with Moodle!


Moodle is a free software,a learning management system providing a platform for e-learning and it helps the various educators,administrator considerably in conceptualizing the various courses structures and curriculum thus facilitating interaction with online students in any time and anywhere .Instructors can design and manage courses to meet a variety of requirements.Classes can be completely online, led by an instructor.They also can assign different markers to assignments easily and track students individually with grade management and markings.Another useful feature of Moodle is that it creates a private space that only administrators and their students can access.  

As an e-learning platform,Moodle features:


Content managements  

Regular examination and assessment

Database activities



Hello! Today I am sharing a very useful web tool with you.It's called MindMeister.It is an online collaborative,knowledge-based mind mapping tool that students and other individuals can use to understand and make connections between concepts,ideas and information.Mind maps help users collect ideas and facts based on a given topic.I find it very convenient and I'm sure that I am going to suggest this application to my future students.I also shared the map I made for Instructional Technology my class.Don't forget to check it out.



Edmodo is an educational network that aims at providing teachers with tools to help them connect and communication with their students and parents.Via the edmodo app or website,teachers can share content,texts,videos,homework and assignments with their students online.Teachers with their accounts can create groups and invite students and parents to join.In these groups teacher also can send and recieve private messages. One of the greatest advantages of Edmodo is that students and parents do not need to share their personal information or email addresses to create an account. All they need to do is to enter their name, surname, create a password and enter the class code, which should be provided by the teacher. This code is automatically generated by Edmodo when you create a new group.I also shared a class code that I created.You can check it out!

Class codee93a9q 

7 Weeks in My Open and Distance Learning Course

 Hello! In this post I will be talking about the assignments I did for my open and distance learning course. Let's take a look at them! ...