Sunday, December 27, 2020

Education is More Enjoyable with Socrative!

 Socrative is a tool where you can create tests on the internet and give students quick feedback by solving them with their smartphones or computers.Giving receiving feedback has a very big and significant role in education.And Socrative is a very good option for this.Socrative is an application that will be very useful for you to present an educational and entertaining activity right after the subject. Your students can start solving the questions by entering the test opened by the teacher after logging into the system by typing their names and even their nicknames if they wish.For students being allowed to choose their own nickname makes it easier for them to adjust to the new environment.

Teachers can do quizzes after lessons to evaluate students' knowledge.The content of these quizzes and how they are done is entirely up to teacher.Quizzes can be multiple choice,true\false or short answer questions.I put a quiz down below that I made.You can check it! The link:

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7 Weeks in My Open and Distance Learning Course

 Hello! In this post I will be talking about the assignments I did for my open and distance learning course. Let's take a look at them! ...